7 MSP Myths That Need to be Busted

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When you first start learning about managed service providers, you may run into a lot of misconceptions that could qualify as an “MSP Myth”. These might make you wary about using them for your business technology needs. Here are seven common misconceptions – and the reasons why they aren’t valid.

  1. An MSP is the Same as a Computer Repair Shop

Your local computer repair shop and a managed service provider have some overlap in services. They both repair hardware and handle technology maintenance requests. However, the computer repair shop is focused on one-off services primarily for a consumer market.

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59% of IT services have transitioned from the traditional break-fix model to a managed service contract model.


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The managed service provider offers a much broader range of offerings with a commercial focus. They typically have a monthly contract with a company, so they gain a deep understanding of what the organization needs when it comes to technology.

  1. You Put Your Company’s Data at Risk With an MSP

Your data is not at any greater risk with an MSP than it would be with any cloud-based storage provider you’re currently using. You control the systems and data that the MSP has access to, on top of having a contract in place. You probably have a greater risk profile from all the people bringing their own smartphones and tablets into the workplace than you do with an MSP.

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Related: The Beginner’s Guide to Managed IT Services


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  1. You’re Replacing Your Current IT Team with an MSP

An MSP can supplement your current IT team rather than replacing it. While this service provider may be your primary source of IT when you’re a smaller company, in most cases you’re going to have your IT department working alongside an MSP.

The MSP works great for bringing in specialized technicians that are difficult to recruit, and your in-house team works closely with them. These complementary teams are much greater than the sum of their parts.

  1. You Spend More Money on MSPs than In-house Resources

Big MSP myth – they’re too expensive. Many MSPs are reasonably priced for the services they offer, especially when you compare the total expenses associated with bringing in in-demand specialists in-house. When you’re trying to bring in a data scientist, database administrator or cybersecurity specialist, you face a competitive marketplace with a limited supply.

You could take up a lot of your hiring budget to bring in these specialists, as well as the time required to go through the recruitment process, or you could work with an MSP that already has the same type of experts on staff. Don’t forget to consider your indirect costs associated with bringing a new person onboard. You have to factor in their benefits, vacation pay, training time and the amount that it took to recruit them before you can have an accurate comparison.

  1. Small Businesses Don’t Benefit From MSPs

If anything, small businesses are the ones that benefit the most from MSPs. Large corporations and enterprises have enough financial resources and clout to attract IT candidates for their in-house teams. They can afford to have sufficient staff on-hand to handle everything from their daily needs to large rollouts.

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39% of SMBs use managed services in some capacity.


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Small businesses don’t have access to the same amount of resources. For some companies, they don’t have a dedicated IT person at all in-house. The MSP is an invaluable source for these businesses. It allows them access to the specialized knowledge they need to create and maintain their technology infrastructure.

  1. MSPs Use One-Size-Fits-All Solutions

MSPs frequently have certifications with popular solutions on the market. However, that doesn’t mean that they deliver a one-size-fits-all option for your business. They use their extensive experience to discover what your company needs, the standards for your industry, whether you need to comply with any government regulations, and your long-term business goals.

The choices that they make all revolve around this information, rather than giving you an out-of-the-box package that doesn’t truly fit any of your needs. The MSP wants to help you optimize the technology and resources that you have available for your company. Part of that process is offering customized solutions.

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  1. MSPs Hurt Your Business Agility

Sometimes you need quick responses to react to a change in the industry or a new regulation that’s getting introduced. This MSP myth assumes that you have a hard time getting in touch with your MSP, which can slow down your business’ ability to do something about the changing environment.

In reality, the MSP is one of your most valuable tools for addressing this situation. You can quickly scale your service levels up if you anticipate a temporary increase in your IT needs. For example, you may need to quickly deploy a software update or replace hardware. These large-scale needs are difficult to address with an in-house team alone.[/av_two_third]

When you bring in the MSP, you ensure that there are enough people on-hand to stick to the schedule and not overwork your in-house IT team. You end up getting the project finished faster with less burn out among your employees.

You’ll run into a lot of MSP myths as you research into the provider that works best for your IT needs. Dive a little deeper into these misconceptions and you see exactly why they don’t apply to the actual situation that you’re in. Let’s continue the conversation and show you exactly what the right MSP can do for your organization.

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