What Should You Look For in a Business Technology Partner?

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The business technology partner market is filled with options. When you’re getting started looking at a managed service provider, trying to evaluate potential solutions can be overwhelming. Here are some of the key characteristics that should rank high up on your MSP selection list.


Many major solution providers and technology companies have certifications that indicate companies have advanced expertise with their products. If you’re looking for a business technology partner that knows about a specific hardware or software, then look at the certifications that their technicians and teams hold.

Best Practices

A managed service provider has a business model that revolves around delivering technology-related services to their clients. They should know the latest best practices for each area of technology that they work with.

For example, if they provide cybersecurity solutions, then they should know the latest cyberthreats, the recommendations for protecting your organization and whether you have to maintain regulatory compliance with your cybersecurity measures.

The managed service provider should detail the best practices that they follow. Check their resource section. Make sure to read their blog posts and ask them plenty of questions to get an idea of how they operate.


Some business technology partners focus on specialized areas, while others are more generalized. Consider what you’re bringing a business technology partner in for. Do you need help with your company’s all-around technology needs, or do you have a specific project in mind?

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You don’t want to go without a specialist that you’ll need, especially since recruiting those types of technicians in-house is a costly affair. If you’re not sure what you need, look for a provider that has a good mix of generalist and specialist teams available. You can always adjust your contract as your business expands or moves into new technology areas.

Industry Experience

What types of clients has the business technology partner worked with before? Do they take on all comers or are they focused on a particular company size, industry or market sector? Ideally, you hire a provider that has a lot of experience with your company stage and the industry that you operate in. Of course, you’ll want to work with a partner that has a proven process for client success.

When you use a lot of industry-specific software and equipment, you don’t want a managed service provider that has little to no experience with these solutions. They won’t be able to make you the right recommendations to empower your staff and improve your infrastructure.

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If you have more generalized solutions in place, you may not necessarily need an industry-specific provider. Just be realistic about your expectations and the direction that your company might go so you have the resources that you need in place.

Clear Communication

Good communication makes or breaks a relationship with a business technology partner. If you can’t get in touch with a managed service provider when you run into problems or have a question, then it’s hard to rely on them for something as essential as your company’s technology.

You can determine whether you’re going to have communication problems by seeing how quickly they respond to basic inquiries. Also be sure to read online reviews and see whether the channels they have in place work for the way you do business.

Choosing a business technology partner requires a lot of careful consideration. Look over all of these characteristics when you’re evaluating your choices and figuring out who you should do business with.

Interested in learning more about what a good technology partner can do? Let’s have a conversation.

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