What are the Benefits of the Hybrid Cloud Server?

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The hybrid cloud is a concept that is catching on in many organizations across a variety of industries. Essentially, the hybrid cloud takes the internal computing power and resources of an organization and combines them with a public cloud service offered by a cloud provider. This creates the hybrid cloud, which comes with numerous benefits that many businesses find attractive. The hybrid cloud offers both short and long term solutions and can be used in a variety of situations. Is the hybrid cloud right for you? Read on to learn about what you can accomplish with this innovative approach to cloud computing.

The Benefits of the Hybrid Cloud

Flexible Data Storage
Many organizations need to retain control of sensitive data within their own confines. However, this can take up significant local resources, leaving less power for other critical IT functions. The hybrid cloud solves this problem by providing additional computing power for these functions, enabling you to keep control of your data without losing power for other IT needs.
Temporary Solutions
Shortages of IT resources are not a rare occurrence, and when they do happen, you may find yourself scrambling for a temporary solution. Here too, the hybrid cloud addresses the problem by providing additional resources for the short-term while your other IT concerns are addressed.
Low Cost Redundancy
Redundancy is a critical component of any IT program in today’s fast-paced world of online business. Unfortunately, redundancy is also expensive, and even cost-prohibitive for some smaller organizations. By utilizing the hybrid cloud server, organizations can obtain redundancy as needed. Whether it’s for infrastructure failures or regularly scheduled maintenance, the hybrid cloud can back up your operations when you need it, at a price point that works.
Fast Innovation
The fast pace of online business also underscores the importance of the ability of an organization to innovate and get ahead of the competition. However, if your current IT resources aren’t up to the task, this may slow you down. Using the resources of the hybrid cloud, organizations can test infrastructure upgrades before they go live without sacrificing the speed and performance needed for their current infrastructure.
hybrid cloud
With the hybrid cloud, you can find a combination of internal and external IT resources that work for your organization. The flexibility offered by the hybrid cloud combined with its affordability make it a viable solution for a number of critical IT tasks. With a local cloud provider, you can get customized cloud hosting, customer service, and personal attention that larger providers can’t match. Having more than 300 commercial and governmental clients in Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia, Alliance InfoSystems (AIS) offers cloud computing among other support services for companies with or without IT staff. If you have any questions about cloud computing services call AIS at 410-585-9505, or click today.

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