Ghost of Information Technology Past

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On-premise servers are the ghosts of IT past

2020 has taught us many important life lessons. Among them is the importance of keeping your IT infrastructure up to date and secure.

Most of us made a rapid change to working remotely this year. Although it has brought benefits of spending more time with family, and less in traffic, it had its challenges, especially for IT departments.

With the “new normal”, employers are realizing that working from home is more convenient and has the potential for tremendous cost savings. If you have not considered moving your infrastructure to the cloud, 2021 is the time.

Moving to the cloud allows you (and employees) to access necessary data at any time from anywhere. You pay for what you need when you need it. You will gain the ability to easily scale up or down depending on your usage, user requirements, and the growth of your company. When you migrate your infrastructure to the cloud, you can convert IT costs from a capital expense to an anticipated operational expense.

If you stay on-premise, you can anticipate enduring the cost of maintaining the environment in your server room and continue paying for upgrades to equipment and license agreements.

Spare your IT department from monitoring the server, and when a server component fails, having to go into the office to replace it. Why go through all of this?

On-prem server rooms are a thing of the past. With the assistance of Alliance, you can have your data in the cloud. Let’s have a discussion on migrating in 2021.

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