Are you at risk of a cyberattack?

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Cybercriminals attack from anywhere, at any time. 

Protecting your students, colleagues, and infrastructure has always been high on your list of priorities, if not the top priority. This year you have been tasked with a magnitude of responsibilities from learning and implementing new software, issuing new laptops and desktops, installing cameras, helping teachers and families solve IT issues, etc. It is a lot!

Now you are asked to navigate the role of a cybersecurity expert and protect hundreds of devices. It’s too much for a small team to handle, let alone one person. 

Cybercrime is currently up 400%. Last month, there were approximately 103 cybersecurity incidents, which accounted for over 580 million leaked records. If we place our focus on Baltimore, there have been two substantial ransomware attacks less than two weeks apart. 

Schools are at high risk of falling victim to cybercrime. Criminals are targeting your students and staff to gain access to your network. The lack of security on student devices, mixed with natural curiosity, makes them an easy target. Once access is gained, the cybercriminal will lay dormant, collecting all private data and passwords. When they feel they have enough to ask for a substantial ransom, they start the attack. 

To get the conversation started, I’ve included a few questions. 

  1. Can you detect an intrusion the moment it happens?
  2. Is there a solution in place that detects dormant malware?
  3. Are you able to shut down a device if nonpermitted access is achieved?
  4. Is there a way to effectively manage admin rights for each user?
  5. Can you tell if someone has accessed the network without authorization?
  6. Are you effectively managing endpoint protection? 

With our Guardian Network Protection Services, you can (confidently) answer YES to these questions and more. 

Our Guardian Network Protection is a proactive, layered approach to security designed to protect your endpoints and help prevent a ransomware attack.

With the thousands of things that you have going on, you can attest it is a monumental task to be vigilant in today’s world. Would a team of trained security professionals, running threat detection, monitoring your network, and alleviating risk, be helpful to you and the school?

We can help you. We want to help you. Starting with a simple phone conversation, we will discuss your current infrastructure and identify a solution to improve your security and prevent your school from becoming a victim of cybercrime. Let’s set a time to connect.

Let’s Connect

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