The truth about the cloud: 3 cloud myths debunked

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At this point, the cloud is behind most everything we do, and that makes this technology incredibly valuable.

However, the cloud is still a difficult concept for some people to wrap their heads around. As a result, there are a handful of cloud myths that need to be cleared up. 

Let’s take a quick look at 3 of the biggest cloud myths and why you shouldn’t believe them.

Cloud Myth #1: There is only one cloud

Many people talk about “moving to the cloud” as though it is a singular place, but that mindset could not be further from reality.

Cloud computing technologies encompass many clouds. Some of them are public while others are private. They can connect with each other or be completely separate.

Instead of thinking of “the cloud” as a place, it may be helpful to think of it as a technology that helps you better manage data and access applications.

Cloud Myth #2: You can fill up the cloud

You might think that with so much information, clouds could fill up. In reality, clouds are extremely flexible. You can add what you need, even if it means using different vendors.

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“Despite what some traditional IT vendors might suggest, the cloud is not about locking organizations into proprietary, all-in-one solutions,” explains Citrix. “Instead, an open cloud architecture offers the flexibility to select the virtualization, networking and storage solutions that work best for each organization’s requirements.”

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You are not tied to a single technology when you use the cloud. Instead, you are simply using a virtual storage center. Depending on your needs, you may have several.

Cloud Myth #3: The cloud is more vulnerable to security threats

It might seem as if the cloud is less secure than traditional technologies — you can’t access the cloud like you would a laptop or server. The truth, however, is much more complex than that.

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“The cloud does not remove the threat of data breaches, DDoS attacks, or other external attacks. Several high-profile attacks have proven this, but this is not a solid reason to avoid the cloud,” explains StorageCraft. “Cloud providers all have security plans in place such as encryption and sophisticated firewalls to fend off most attacks.”

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While the cloud does allow for remote access, this does not make it any less secure than an on-premise server. In fact, the cloud is typically more secure than traditional technology solutions because it’s managed and secured by a team of experts. And not only is it digitally secured, but it’s physically secured, as well.

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Final thoughts

Some people would argue that the cloud is still very new and unpredictable. But the data says otherwise.

Companies everywhere are finding that the cloud offers scalable reliability. They can do more, faster, and for less money.

In other words, look past the myths surrounding cloud computing and instead, start exploring the ways cloud-based technologies can help your business.

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