Nimble Storage CS-Series: The VDI Managed Services Solution for K-12

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Computer At HomeAs Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiatives grow more popular, and new testing and assessment systems are implemented to align with Common Core standards, more K-12 school districts are relying on desktop virtualization for support.
Nimble Storage has successfully answered this growing demand with its CS-Series. Built upon efficient hybrid CASL™ architecture, this storage solution effectively supports Desktop Virtualization Infrastructures (VDI) by delivering the performance and capacity needed for deployment and optimal performance.  Nimble Storage CS Series also delivers an easy-to-manage and scalable platform that makes VDI, and BYOD and Common Core related initiatives a cost effective reality.  Below are other key benefits:

  • Highly Efficient & Scalable –Offering unmatched storage efficiency, flexibility and scalability – Nimble’s CS-Series allows schools and other budget-conscience environments the benefit of consolidating VDI and more onto a single platform.  This means that the same storage system serving virtual desktops has the capacity to handle database work, email storage and more. This greater level of efficiency is attributed to Nimble’s inline compression, which uses 30% to 75% less storage space than traditional architectures, with no impact to performance.
  • Simple Deployment & Management – Nimble’s 3U CS-Series is intuitive, easy-to-deploy, and operationally efficient for the school environment.  It features a web-based management interface and pre-defined application templates that simplify and increase the speed of VDI functions and workloads.  Furthermore, its support tools monitor array health, log and report abnormal operating conditions, and automatically address over 75% of the issues – without administrator intervention.  For administrators, these features are a huge time-saver, allowing them to focus on other tasks.
  • Extremely Available & Reliable –School districts can rely on Nimble Storage to protect and serve.  It has a published uptime of 99.997% and integrated data protection for affordable disaster recovery.  By using non-disruptive upgrades and proactive monitoring and reporting, IT staff can keep their storage and VDI environment running optimally. What’s more, critical data needed for disaster and local outage protection can be efficiently and easily replicated over IP networks.

Having a solid storage foundation for VDI is essential.  To learn more about the benefits of Nimble Storage and how they would impact your school district, click here to contact Alliance InfoSystems (AIS). AIS is an authorized reseller of Nimble products and also a contracted vendor for the Maryland Education Enterprise Consortium (MEEC).
With more than 300 commercial and governmental clients in Baltimore, Washington D.C and Northern Virginia, AIS offers both proactive support for internal IT departments and fully managed outsourced managed services for companies who do not have IT staff. Source:

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