How Does Cloud Server Computing Work?

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Cloud server computing is the method by which data and applications are stored in a central location and accessed from another. This allows for storage and computing requirements to shift from an immediate location such as a company office, to a centralized location, which in this case is the facility which houses the servers, computers, and nodes that make up the cloud. Now that the data and applications reside here, they can be accessed from any location. This is one of the tenets that is central to the appeal of cloud computing. In this week’s blog, we’ll cover the basics of cloud computing to give you a basic understanding of how the process works and what it can do for you.

How Does Cloud Computing Work?

Consider your computer. It has a hard drive where data and applications are stored which you can access and use. This works well enough for many situations, but there are a few inherent limitations. The data and applications can only be accessed from that one machine. Furthermore, if the machine were to crash, all of these data and applications would be lost.
Cloud computing solves these problems by separating the data and applications from the machine, turning the system from a whole into a front end and back end. The front end is the location from which the user accesses the cloud. This could be a computer at an office, or a mobile device using a data connection. The back end is where the applications and the data the user wants to access are stored. These are stored on servers, data storage systems, and computers that together make up the cloud. The cloud is managed by a master server which uses protocols and middleware to bring the cloud together and respond to user input. In this way, users can access data and applications from any location simply by logging into the cloud’s application on their device. This eliminates the need for local storage and reduces requirements for processing power and the local network, which results in a highly streamlined and convenient user experience.
In addition to making it easy to access data and applications from anywhere, the cloud also secures this information within its own network, protecting it from hackers, viruses, and other threats. In addition, the cloud ensures that users’ data will never be lost by using a technique called redundancy, which backs up data on multiple storage units where it can be retrieved in the event that one unit goes down.
cloud computing
By taking advantage of the cloud, you can significantly reduce IT requirements in your office, ensure your data is secured and backed up, and access your applications and data wherever you go. The cloud is making data more secure and more accessible at the same time. With a local cloud provider, you can get customized cloud hosting, customer service, and personal attention that larger providers can’t match. Having more than 300 commercial and governmental clients in Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia, Alliance InfoSystems (AIS) offers cloud computing among other support services for companies with or without IT staff. If you have any questions about cloud computing services call AIS at 410-585-9505, or click today.

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